
Toneforge Ben Bruce Updated to v1.5.0
Updated: Feb 25th, 2023 Addendum; today we have released version 1.5.1 to fix some reported issues post the initial release. These are documented in the included change log notes, and installers for 1.5.1 have been sent to customers. Thank you....
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Toneforge Guilty Pleasure Updated to v1.2.0
Updated: Feb 25th, 2023 Addendum; today we have released version 1.2.1 to fix some reported issues post the initial release. These are documented in the included change log notes, and installers for 1.2.1 have been sent to customers. Thank you....
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Toneforge Jeff Loomis - Now M1 Native
Toneforge Jeff Loomis has today been updated to version 1.0.2 with M1 Native support for macOS, support for the latest operating systems. What's New : New Features▪ [Mac] - M1 Native Support.▪ [Mac & Win] - Latest OS Support/Compatibility.Fixed▪ [Mac & Win] -...
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