A few weeks back, we took a look at some of the best ways to approach heavy guitar chugs in the mix. We walked through the guttural, bass-heavy sound of a low-tuned or extended range guitars, and made a few suggestions on the best way to get them to sit in your mix.
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A chug is a guttural, bass-heavy sound. It doesn’t necessarily step on the toes of the bass guitar in your mix, but it walks that fine line between the low end and the mid range. A lot of beginners and self-recording musicians want a good chug, but few are able to achieve it without a thorough understanding of common mix techniques.
You guys must think I’ve lost it, right? Why else would I be talking about putting strings on an instrument that was recorded a month ago? Stick with me, because this one could really salvage some of your mixes…
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I hope that anyone with more than a few days worth of musical experience knows not to plug an electric bass into a guitar amplifier without risking damage. If you don’t, I’m here to tell you now: Don’t do it.
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How many recent performances have you seen of guitarists without an amp in sight? Chances are, even the guys with a “wall of amps” in the background aren’t playing through them. Guitar tone plugins are making their way into live sound, and there are plenty of reasons why.
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