
What Kind of Music Do Robots Like?
Have you ever considered the possibility that a computer might like certain types of music more than others? Artificial intelligence is growing fast - while it might not be the hit masterpiece you'd expect, the first robots have already written songs.
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How To Clip Your Mix Without Maxing Your Meters

In order to stay competitive with modern rock and metal (heck, even today’s pop music), you need your mixes to get LOUD. Unfortunately, the loudness wars aren’t going anywhere fast – everything today is compressed to have that crispy, glistening shine that listeners expect every song to have.

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Cracking The Code On Chorus Vocals
Chorus vocals are the moneymakers for a lot of music – not just in pop. When you listen to a song that grows and grows through an intro & verse before hitting its peak in the chorus, it has a therapeutic “release
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