Have you ever considered the possibility that a computer might like certain types of music more than others? Artificial intelligence is growing fast - while it might not be the hit masterpiece you'd expect, the first robots have already written songs.
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For someone looking to simplify their guitar recording process while simultaneously improving their sound – there’s no better option than moving to an in-the-box recording setup.
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In order to stay competitive with modern rock and metal (heck, even today’s pop music), you need your mixes to get LOUD. Unfortunately, the loudness wars aren’t going anywhere fast – everything today is compressed to have that crispy, glistening shine that listeners expect every song to have.
Chorus vocals are the moneymakers for a lot of music – not just in pop. When you listen to a song that grows and grows through an intro & verse before hitting its peak in the chorus, it has a therapeutic “release
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Bass not low enough? Not enough rumble in your track? Can you hear the low-end frequencies pulsating against your ears, but can’t quite seem to give your mix the kick it needs to feel the music?
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