
Part of the appeal of recording at a large studio is their expansive backline. Bigger studios will usually have dozen of options to choose from, which means lots of amps, microphones & preamps to mess around with!
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Electric guitars recorded directly into the computer are more commonplace in the studio than ever before - and for good reason. It’s easier to make edits to a DI track and you can tweak their sound as much as you want (at any point in the mix process).
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I hope that anyone with more than a few days worth of musical experience knows not to plug an electric bass into a guitar amplifier without risking damage. If you don’t, I’m here to tell you now: Don’t do it.
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How many recent performances have you seen of guitarists without an amp in sight? Chances are, even the guys with a “wall of amps” in the background aren’t playing through them. Guitar tone plugins are making their way into live sound, and there are plenty of reasons why.
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Amp Sims have been on the rise for the past decade, with more and more guitarists, bedroom producers & even pros jumping on board. With so much emphasis put on realistic tones and the cost of getting into recording, which one’s coming out on top in the digital age.
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