
Two Vocal Tools That Transcend Genres
Vocals are about as universal as instruments come. Excluding instrumental/orchestral, most modern music has some type of vocal performance tied to it. How we treat and produce those vocals can vary greatly.
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How To Bake Keys & Synths
Welcome to the first edition of “Cooking with JST”! Today, we’ve got a recipe for success through some full frequency baked goods for your next studio mix.
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How To Mix Heavy Guitar Chugs

A chug is a guttural, bass-heavy sound. It doesn’t necessarily step on the toes of the bass guitar in your mix, but it walks that fine line between the low end and the mid range. A lot of beginners and self-recording musicians want a good chug, but few are able to achieve it without a thorough understanding of common mix techniques.

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3 Bonehead Bass Mistakes & How To Fix Them
Hey, we’ve all made bonehead mistakes. It doesn’t mean you’re some kind of idiot that can’t tell a bass guitar from a largemouth bass, it just means at some point or another you’ve made a mistake that you should’ve seen coming from a mile away.
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