
How To Bake Keys & Synths
Welcome to the first edition of “Cooking with JST”! Today, we’ve got a recipe for success through some full frequency baked goods for your next studio mix.
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How To Mix Heavy Guitar Chugs

A chug is a guttural, bass-heavy sound. It doesn’t necessarily step on the toes of the bass guitar in your mix, but it walks that fine line between the low end and the mid range. A lot of beginners and self-recording musicians want a good chug, but few are able to achieve it without a thorough understanding of common mix techniques.

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3 Bonehead Bass Mistakes & How To Fix Them
Hey, we’ve all made bonehead mistakes. It doesn’t mean you’re some kind of idiot that can’t tell a bass guitar from a largemouth bass, it just means at some point or another you’ve made a mistake that you should’ve seen coming from a mile away.
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A Beginner’s Guide to Stacking Vocal Compressors

You stack plugins on top of plugins in every session just as part of your normal signal chain. Some people EQ before they compress, others compress before they EQ, and for some it’ll depend on the situation. Regardless of your EQ/compression approach, have you ever considered how you mix could be improved by stacking a powerful combo of compressors on a particular track?

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Should You Treat Lead Guitars The Same As Vocals?
This week, I want to make a case for why your lead guitars deserve the same amount of attention, and (usually) similar processing to your lead vocals. For some this might already seem commonplace, while to others, it’s going to sound absolutely crazy and unrealistic.
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