Finality Update v1.0.5

Finality gets an update to v1.0.5. If you already own Finality, check your inbox for an email to update. Curious what we changed? Read below:

Finality - Change Log
July 16th, 2016

Important Note :
The Manufacturer name has been changed from JST to Joey Sturgis Tones. You will need to refresh your plug-ins list and/or rescan plug-ins. Importantly for Pro Tools AAX format, please trash the InstalledAAXPlugIns file found in the following locations to force Pro Tools to rescan all at launch : -
[Mac] - Users/<your user name>/Library/Preferences/Avid/Pro Tools
[Windows] - C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Avid\

▪ AU Validation
▪ GR metering stuck / does not release
▪ Volume jump after session left idle
▪ [Mac] VST 2.4 does not scan or show in Ableton Live 9.6.1

▪ Updated license agreement and installer information

[New Features]
▪ N/A

[Known Issues]
▪ N/A