With so much other stuff going on, how can you get your acoustic instrumentation to cut through when it needs to and fit into its own pocket when it’s not being featured in a session?
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How awesome would it be if you could achieve a slamming drum mix with just a couple of plugins and a few minutes of your time?
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Bass amps are a tricky piece of any mix. Too often it gives you way too much to work with and you need to carve it way down to fit your needs.
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Are you in a situation where you’ve close miced hi hats and aren’t happy with the results? Are you struggling to isolate them from your snare or get them to sit right in your overheads?
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While a bass guitar can be a full frequency spectrum instrument, the majority of it’s sound comes from two specific ranges: the lows and the upper mids. So when you’re looking to break up your bass guitar to create a better overall tone, where do you begin?
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