
Subwoofers are some of the most commonly found devices in recording studios – big and small. After the computer, interface & speakers, a subwoofer is often the next hardware purchase for producers that work primarily in the box. But what is a subwoofer and why bother with them?

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What Does It Really Mean to Master a Song?
Mastering a song is one of those processes that seem like voodoo magic to some and a calculated, scientific practice to others. It combines elements of creativity, critical listening, audio engineering & extremely detailed monitoring to bring out the best aspects of each and every second.
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Why Do People Mix In Mono?
If you ever want to question your knowledge as a mixer - go mix a track in mono. I was pleasantly surprised how good everything sounded when I flipped back to stereo, but I was second guessing EVERY decision I made up to that point.
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Picking The Right Audio Interface For Your Studio
Whether you’re in the market for your first audio interface for a home studio or upgrading because the one you’ve got isn’t quite cutting it anymore, there are plenty of things to think about when it comes to choosing the right audio interface for your studio. 
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