Vocal compression is one of the few subtle techniques used in the studio that have been carried from decade to decade in the studio. Even before hardware compression was introduced, engineers would naturally overdrive their hardware or tape machines for an organic, natural compression – what many today simply refer to as saturation.
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Whether you’re in the market for your first audio interface for a home studio or upgrading because the one you’ve got isn’t quite cutting it anymore, there are plenty of things to think about when it comes to choosing the right audio interface for your studio.
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If you’re someone looking to get into recording music for the first time but don’t have a clue where to start, I’ve got some news for you: building a home recording studio doesn’t have to be expensive.
Recording vocals is an emotional and creative process for singers. If it’s their first time in the studio, they can be nervous, overwhelmed, and even a little hesitant to give it their all. As the recording engineer on the session, it’s up to you to make them comfortable and coax the best possible performance out of them.
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A vocal in need of compression should be easy to spot in a mix. If some parts sound buried while others pop out in front of everything else, you don't need automation. You need a compressor.
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