
How Mix Templates Speed Up Workflows
If I told you there was a way to cut your session setup time in half, would you be interested in learning more? Of course you would! We waste wayyyyy to much time doing preparation for our music. It saps away at the creativity and artistry that goes into the recording and mixing process.
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A Little Goes A Long Way: How To Avoid Overcompressed Drums
Drums are one of the hardest pieces of a mix to get the perfect sound from. Even if you were the engineer on the tracking session, the sound you were after during recording can change drastically once you add in other elements to the production. For this reason, many engineers choose to capture a “useable” kit during tracking without any intention of perfecting it until the mix.
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How To Turn Your Master Fader Into A Gold Record
As mixers and engineers, we get paid to sweat the small stuff. We listen for minute details in a recording that might not be immediately apparent to a listener, or even the musician playing their instrument. We strive to make everything polished and professional, from the clarity of the mix to the pocketing of our instruments. But if you’re not paying attention to your master fader, that just might be where it’s all falling apart.
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How To Bake Keys & Synths
Welcome to the first edition of “Cooking with JST”! Today, we’ve got a recipe for success through some full frequency baked goods for your next studio mix.
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3 Bonehead Bass Mistakes & How To Fix Them
Hey, we’ve all made bonehead mistakes. It doesn’t mean you’re some kind of idiot that can’t tell a bass guitar from a largemouth bass, it just means at some point or another you’ve made a mistake that you should’ve seen coming from a mile away.
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