
Become A Ping-Pong Production Master

As an effect, ping-pong delays are a solid option when you’re trying to build out space and depth in a mix. The “bouncing” that happens back and forth between the left and right channels sounds unlike anything else. 

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A Crash Course In Phase Cancellation
One of the greatest threats to any recording session is phase cancellation. It’s a sneaky result that you end up with when you’re not careful with microphone placement, and can even turn up AFTER you’ve tracked everything if you’re not careful when editing your tracks.
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A Single EQ Can Say It All
EQs are a must-have in almost every audio situation. Musicians use them on their pedalboards to change their sound. Live sounds engineers use them to clean up problem frequencies and match their system to the space they’re in. Recording engineers and mix engineers use them in the studio for both clean up and coloration.
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