Review of Making Sound Book

If you've seen me on social media talking about a book called "Making Sound", you might be wondering what's so special about this book...

The author of Making Sound, Cristofer Odqvist, has the knowledge and experience that you would expect from someone who has been in the audio production and audio engineering industry for years. What the author really brings to the table in this complete overview of the world of sound production is his additional talents as a teacher, communicator and industry professional. Cristofer has written extensively for magazines and blogs, and this capacity for imparting information in a useful and engaging way is what sets this book apart from the rest.

This book takes the reader on a journey through the world of sound production in a way that is progressive and easy to follow. Cristofer offers generous amounts of real-world guidance and input that will help you to take your skills out of the basement and into the world of actually producing and editing sound as a professional. This focus on tangible and practical advice for people who want to make a career in the industry is only enhanced by the book's list of short and quick tips representing years of the author's accumulated experience. You can check out an excerpt of the book for free right here.

I really enjoyed the chapters on how to make music that really resonates as something complete and of its own. A lot of people experiment with mixing, but it takes a seasoned professional mixing engineer to properly explain the secrets of how to approach mixing from a more practical perspective. Cris's explanation really explores this approach from a place of experience and practicality and allows the reader to "level-up" through his knowledge. 

Whether you are just starting out or have years of experience in the industry, this book is a must-have for anyone who works or plays with sound. The author manages to provide the fundamental baseline information in a thorough and complete way, while also delving into a lot more advanced information and topics that will encourage the reader to push the limits of what they do with sound. The fact that it is an easy and enjoyable read based on real-world experience instead of rehashed theory just makes this book that much more essential of a read. Click here to check it out for yourself!