For a lot of audiophiles, adding a subwoofer to their car or home theater system is a must-have. As an audio professional, your goals aren’t the same.
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In order to stay competitive with modern rock and metal (heck, even today’s pop music), you need your mixes to get LOUD. Unfortunately, the loudness wars aren’t going anywhere fast – everything today is compressed to have that crispy, glistening shine that listeners expect every song to have.
A well-compressed vocal performance is capable of sending chills down your spine. Defining the correct way to compress a voice is difficult though, because no two vocal performances are identical.
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There are only so many things people can get completely wrong about recording and mixing music, but I don’t think we’re seeing the end of that list any time soon.
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We talk so much about fixing dense mixes filled with walls of guitars, stacks of vocals, and thick, punchy drums that it’s easy to forget the opposite end of the spectrum sometimes.
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