Going into a mix, it’s easy to get caught up in best practices and “clean-up” mode. When this happens, you forget that at its core, mixing music is a creative experience. So once you’ve got your tracks cleaned up and mix-ready, give some of these creative compression techniques a try.
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How often do you hear other engineers tell each other they’re doing something wrong or “that’s not the way I’d treat that”? For as much good information getting shared between your peers, there is plenty more toxic information that gets spread.
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No matter how much off-axis rejection your mic has, you’re still going to have reverberations from every nearby sound source clawing their way into your signal.
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In the digital age, we’re all quickly getting used to instant gratification...here's why today's pros use amp sims.
We can blame the drummer, engineer, mixer, or whoever else might have a hand in the final drum sound on a recording, but the fact of the matter is: we beat the crap out of our drum tone. Here are some of the worst offenders...
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